Challanger Disaster.

Posted by Zach On Monday, January 31, 2011 0 comments

What cause the explosion was a series of failures. First it started off with an O-ring failing. This O-ring was sealing preasurized gas. This lead to the venting of the gas, which vause problems for the external fuel tanks. This cause the SRB( solid Rocket Booster) Aft attachment to to seperate from the body of the ship. which cause extreme aeordynamic problems and cause the shape shuttle to get ripped apart durring take off.

this cause major disheartening in the conffidence of the people of america towards out space program. It would cause many other shuttles to get delayed if not cancled out right. And it took many years but we got more confident again. Only to have the columbia disaster. Which is where a peice of insulating foam broke off and cause dammage to one of the ceramic heat sheilds. When they re-entered out atmosphere the heat generated along with omse of the missing heat shield cause the shuttle to fail, and disintigrate over texas.

Now a days people pay ever more attention to shuttles then they did. making sure evryone will be alright. Shuttles are not delyaed more and more to make sure that nothing will go wrong. And if i remember correctly the last missions our shuttle will ever do is going to happen some time this year. Sad if you ask me. We need to learn more about space, and we need to go to space if we are going t expand as humans. Then again this is just my personal veiw. and i could be wrong for all i know.

"Content is King"

Posted by Zach On 0 comments

Some hobbies i am good at or like....nothing really practical. I like to read and play video games. Nothing really more than that to be honest. Well i do like to hang out with my friends as well.

I can't name a specific "brand" or organization what has used blogger to help move their product. But i am sure plenty of companies have. And if i had to guess one i would say that groups like facebook used, and still use blogging to help advertise them selves.

If i were to have a blog out side of school i think i would blog about gaming. And things about computers. Reason is i have loved these things sence i was small. So you could say i feel a little bit of passion to them.

Image owned by RiotGames Inc.

Tennis ball

Posted by Zach On Thursday, January 27, 2011 0 comments

 Tuesday we did another team building exercise. We had a group and we were supposed to pass a tennis ball to every member of the team as quickly as we could. our team came up with and idea of making a circle and everyone puts thier had in the middle and we roll the ball over everyones hand.

The plan worked very well but other groups also had ideas very close to ours and we were not able to be the quickest.

And if we had to do the same, i think we would do the same. the only think i might change would have to be putting peoples had in a sort of ladder mostion. so that when the ball starts it will just roll without any other outside forces being involved in its movement.


Posted by Zach On 0 comments

On Tuesday we had an inclass assighnment. We were given a sheet of paper that had 15 items on it. with those 15 items we were supposed to rank then according to how useful we thought they would be in the survival situation we were in. This situation was being stranded on see. the items for my ranking were
1. 25 L of water.
2 Case of Army C rations.
3 Fishing kit.
4 15 Ft of nylon rope.
5 shaving mirror.
6. a sextant.
7 a map.
8 a small transistory radio.
9 160 proof rum.
10 20 square feet of oqaque plastic sheeting.
11 shark repellant.
12 mosquito netting.
13 floating seat cushion.
14 10 liter can of oil/gas mixture.
15 2 boxes of chacoloate bars.

Well turn out my ranking really wasnt that great. and in my group we also didnt rank out itesm very well. The experts liked mirror first, then food, then water, then everything else. So i guess i wont be a good survivor at sea.

Just Seeing if this works correctly

Posted by Zach On Monday, January 24, 2011 0 comments

This is my first blog, so i am seeing if everything i am editing is working correctly.