Challanger Disaster.

Posted by Zach On Monday, January 31, 2011 0 comments

What cause the explosion was a series of failures. First it started off with an O-ring failing. This O-ring was sealing preasurized gas. This lead to the venting of the gas, which vause problems for the external fuel tanks. This cause the SRB( solid Rocket Booster) Aft attachment to to seperate from the body of the ship. which cause extreme aeordynamic problems and cause the shape shuttle to get ripped apart durring take off.

this cause major disheartening in the conffidence of the people of america towards out space program. It would cause many other shuttles to get delayed if not cancled out right. And it took many years but we got more confident again. Only to have the columbia disaster. Which is where a peice of insulating foam broke off and cause dammage to one of the ceramic heat sheilds. When they re-entered out atmosphere the heat generated along with omse of the missing heat shield cause the shuttle to fail, and disintigrate over texas.

Now a days people pay ever more attention to shuttles then they did. making sure evryone will be alright. Shuttles are not delyaed more and more to make sure that nothing will go wrong. And if i remember correctly the last missions our shuttle will ever do is going to happen some time this year. Sad if you ask me. We need to learn more about space, and we need to go to space if we are going t expand as humans. Then again this is just my personal veiw. and i could be wrong for all i know.


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