
Posted by Zach On Thursday, January 27, 2011 0 comments

On Tuesday we had an inclass assighnment. We were given a sheet of paper that had 15 items on it. with those 15 items we were supposed to rank then according to how useful we thought they would be in the survival situation we were in. This situation was being stranded on see. the items for my ranking were
1. 25 L of water.
2 Case of Army C rations.
3 Fishing kit.
4 15 Ft of nylon rope.
5 shaving mirror.
6. a sextant.
7 a map.
8 a small transistory radio.
9 160 proof rum.
10 20 square feet of oqaque plastic sheeting.
11 shark repellant.
12 mosquito netting.
13 floating seat cushion.
14 10 liter can of oil/gas mixture.
15 2 boxes of chacoloate bars.

Well turn out my ranking really wasnt that great. and in my group we also didnt rank out itesm very well. The experts liked mirror first, then food, then water, then everything else. So i guess i wont be a good survivor at sea.


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