1. What is the purpose or primary function of the object?
The Primary function of the object is the measure the weight of an object.
2. Make an educated guess as to how this product operates. Use simple machines’ terminology to explain the object’s sequential operation.
If i had to guess how it does this i would think that when you stand on the plate it might pull don on some wpring which in turn pull donw on a guage calibrated to measure up to a certain weight and then it will give you a reading of the weight.
3. Identify the system inputs, intended product function, and outputs. Use power point to create a "black box" graphic like the toothbrush example discussed in class. Save the slide as a .jpg image and post it to answer this question.
The inputs for a scale would be when you put a weight on the scale, it sends a signal to the computer which does some math to calculate the weight.
The outpur from there would be that the computer sends a signal to the screen so that is can display how much the object weighs.
4. What mechanical components are visible?
For the scale i chose for the last blog post (which is the scale ive been talking about for this blog post as well) the visabel components are the plate where you put the object for measuring. And a few buttons as well. And if you take the plate off. You can see a small hole where the plate fits too. and i assume that is where all the weight is transfered for measuring.
5. What is it about this device’s function that you cannot identify, because the mechanical components are hidden from plain view?
What i can't identify would be exactly what it uses to measure the weight. I can not tell if it is done by spring, mechanicly or even electronically.
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