Steve Johnson: Where good ideas come from

Posted by Zach On Thursday, March 10, 2011 0 comments

What Steve Johnson talked about in this video is where ideas come from. He said that many ideas are not Eureka moments. But the colaberative effort of one or more minds over years or even decades.
-Many ideas are formed over years
-Many ideas are formed after one looks and ones mistakes
-Many ideas are formed In social gathering places
-Many ideas are formed when someone is effected by outside stimuli
-Most if not all ideas are not formed in Eureka moments
-Ideas can take many years to form.

That is roughly all that was said in the video. He gave a few examples of how this works. So as in the 1950's. Two students at a collage were interested in listneing to sputnick. And so they tuned into it, and then got the idea to start traking it using the doppler effect. And after a few weeks they had to who orbital pattern of Sputnick mapped. And then one of thier proffessors came to them and asked them if instead of traking somthing unkown in space from a known ground posistion. If they could trade somthing unknown on the ground from a known position in space. And after trying for a little while... GPS was born


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